• English


GC 8890

Gas Chromatograph (GC) System

The 8890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) System sets the standard for routine GC analysis with reliability and robustness. Configurable with up to two inlets, three valves,
and three detectors, including a single quadrupole mass spectrometer, the 8860 GC addresses a wide range of routine gas chromatography application areas

Built-in intelligence, intuitive touch screen interface, and cost-effective options such as DA Express and electronic pneumatic regulation (EPR)
make the 8860 GC an attractive option, elevating routine gas chromatography analysis to new levels of performance, reliability, and cost effectiveness

:Key Features


The browser interface provides remote connectivity enabling you to monitor your smart GC system, check system logs, and perform diagnostics tests, from inside or outside the laboratory

The full-function touch screen gives a visual report of the system configuration letting you update the active method, perform maintenance routines, and check GC instrument status

Built-in intelligence autonomously monitors the health of the system, alerts the user of potential issues before they affect chromatographic performance, and offers helpful step-by-step guides to resolve issues

Unique sixth-generation microchannel-based EPC architecture provides a significant improvement in reliability and longevity against gas contaminants such as particulates, water, and oils, extending system uptime and the life of the instrument consumables

”   Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) modules, which are oven mountable and very low thermal mass, provide unique gas flow connections for multidimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC/Deans Switch), comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography

 (2D-GC) with flow modulation, and backflush at the beginning, middle, or end of an analytical column”

“Single-filament thermal conductivity detector (TCD) does not require a separate reference gas or manual potentiometer adjustment, yet provides a stable baseline with a minimal amount of

 signal drift commonly seen with valve switching”

Autoranging flame ionization detector (FID) provides the ability to detect and quantitate from percent levels to parts per billion (ppb) in a single GC injection

Compatible with all GC/MS platforms

Sulfur or nitrogen chemiluminescence detector provides low ppb detection, equimolar response, and quantitation for sulfur or nitrogen contaminants without quenching from matrix

“Helium conservation module, Gas Saver, and alternative carrier gas solutions can dramatically reduce

 the amount of helium used, offering flexibility and cost savings”

Optional Hydrogen Sensor Module Series 2 detects hydrogen leaks early and shuts off gas flows, continuously monitors status using built-in intelligent diagnostics, and requires calibration only every six months

Optional Smart Keys, included with GC columns, provide information such as column usage with default parameters for configuration that helps automate method setup

Independently audited for environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle, received My Green Lab’s ACT (Accountability, Consistency, Transparency) label

Technical Specifications – 8890 GC

Yes (all CFT)

Capillary Flow Technology (CFT)





58 cm x 51 cm x 49 cm

Dimensions (WxDxH)



Dual Simultaneous Injection



GC Detector MDLs


Autonomous, hands-free

GC Diagnostics – Leak Check


Single quadrupole             Triple quadrupole                     Q-TOF

GC/MS Compatibility





120 °C/min (120 V units are limited to 75 °C/min)

Maximum Temperature Ramp Rate


 +4 above ambient to 450 °C
-80 to 450 °C (with LN2 cryogenic cooling)
-40 to 450 °C (with CO2 cryogenic cooling)

Operating Temperature Range


450 °C to 50 °C in 4.0 minutes (22 °C ambient)3.5 minutes with oven insert accessory

Oven Cool Down


<0.5% RSD

Peak Area Repeatability



Retention Time Repeatability


0.001 psi

Typical Pressure Control


